Our Programs » Academic Curriculum

Academic Curriculum

English Language Arts - Benchmark Advance / Adelante


Benchmark Literacy is a comprehensive, research-proven program that empowers both experienced and beginning teachers with best-practice tools for vertically aligned K-6 reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language instruction:

  • 30 weeks of comprehension-focused instruction
  • Pre-, ongoing, and post-assessment
  • Gradual-release mini-lessons with built-in choice
  • High-quality informational, narrative, and opinion/argument texts
  • Complex texts for close reading applying text-dependent strategies
  • Differentiated support for English learners and special needs students
  • Customized professional development services
  • State-of-the-art interactive technology

Benchmark Literacy . . .

  • Builds foundational skills—such as phonics, word study, and fluency-to produce proficient readers
  • Scaffolds ALL students to access complex informational and literary texts during whole-group lessons during Weeks 1 and 2
  • Guides students to use text evidence in close reading
  • Provides opportunities for students to develop collaborative conversations
  • Develops writers by teaching writing process and writing to sources

Books.     Sound cards

Mathematics - Eureka Math

Eureka Math provides the rigor, personalization, and student engagement your students need to be successful with the Common Core State Standards. This re-imagined approach to elementary math is fully aligned with the Common Core State Standards and Mathematical Practices, allowing you to focus on inspiring a love of learning.

Eureka  Math

Science - FOSS (Full Option Science System)

FOSS (Full Option Science System) is a research-based science curriculum for grades K-8 developed at the Lawrence Hall of Science, University of California, Berkeley. FOSS has evolved from a philosophy of teaching and learning that has guided the development of successful active-learning science curricula for more than 40 years. The FOSS Program bridges research and practice by providing tools and strategies to engage students and teachers in enduring experiences that lead to deeper understanding of the natural and designed worlds.



Social Studies - IMPACT

IMPACT Social Studies teaches the art and strategy of inquiry as teachers model how to ask questions and do research. Students learn how to analyze sources and consider multiple perspectives as they think critically about problems, events, places, and people. Each chapter inquiry project is designed to engage students by encouraging them to ask questions and look for answers, while providing opportunities for students to work together collaboratively.




Social Emotional Learning - Sanford Harmony & Second Step

Sanford Harmony SEL is a social and emotional learning program for Pre-K-6 grade students, accessible online and at no cost. Harmony fosters knowledge, skills, and attitudes boys and girls need to develop healthy identities, create meaningful relationships, and engage productively by providing SEL learning resources, tools, and strategies.

sanford harmony

Second Step SEL builds a foundation for a positive, inclusive culture through developing social-emotional competencies, which include perspective-taking, empathy, processing emotions, understanding and resolving conflicts, and building positive relationships.

Second Step

Health & Wellness - The Great Body Shop

The Great Body Shop equips children and their families with the knowledge and skills needed to make healthy choices throughout their lives.

The Great Body Shop

Artes del lenguaje inglés - Benchmark Advance / Adelante


Benchmark Literacy es un programa integral, probado en investigaciones, que capacita tanto a los maestros experimentados como a los principiantes con herramientas de mejores prácticas para la instrucción de lectura, escritura, habla, comprensión auditiva e idiomas de K-6 alineada verticalmente:

  • 30 semanas de instrucción centrada en la comprensión
  • Evaluación previa, continua y posterior
  • Mini-lecciones de lanzamiento gradual con opciones integradas
  • Textos informativos, narrativos y de opinión/argumentación de alta calidad
  • Textos complejos para la lectura atenta aplicando estrategias dependientes del texto
  • Apoyo diferenciado para estudiantes de inglés y estudiantes con necesidades especiales
  • Servicios personalizados de desarrollo profesional
  • Tecnología interactiva de última generación

Alfabetización de referencia. . .

  • Desarrolla habilidades fundamentales, como fonética, estudio de palabras y fluidez, para producir lectores competentes.
  • Andamios TODOS los estudiantes para acceder a textos informativos y literarios complejos durante las lecciones de todo el grupo durante las semanas 1 y 2
  • Guía a los estudiantes para que usen evidencia del texto en la lectura minuciosa.
  • Brinda oportunidades para que los estudiantes desarrollen conversaciones colaborativas.
  • Desarrolla escritores enseñándoles el proceso de escritura y escribiendo a las fuentes.

Books.     Sound cards

Matemáticas - Eureka Math

Eureka Math proporciona el rigor, la personalización y la participación de los estudiantes que sus estudiantes necesitan para tener éxito con los Estándares Estatales Básicos Comunes. Este enfoque reinventado de las matemáticas elementales está completamente alineado con los Estándares Estatales Básicos Comunes y las Prácticas Matemáticas, lo que le permite concentrarse en inspirar el amor por el aprendizaje.

Eureka  Math

Ciencia - FOSS (Full Option Science System)

FOSS (Full Option Science System) es un plan de estudios de ciencias basado en la investigación para los grados K-8 desarrollado en Lawrence Hall of Science, University of California, Berkeley. FOSS ha evolucionado a partir de una filosofía de enseñanza y aprendizaje que ha guiado el desarrollo de currículos de ciencia de aprendizaje activo exitosos durante más de 40 años. El Programa FOSS une la investigación y la práctica al proporcionar herramientas y estrategias para involucrar a los estudiantes y maestros en experiencias duraderas que conducen a una comprensión más profunda de los mundos naturales y diseñados.



Estudios Sociales - IMPACT




Social Emotional Learning - Sanford Harmony & Second Step

Sanford Harmony SEL is a social and emotional learning program for Pre-K-6 grade students, accessible online and at no cost. Harmony fosters knowledge, skills, and attitudes boys and girls need to develop healthy identities, create meaningful relationships, and engage productively by providing SEL learning resources, tools, and strategies.

sanford harmony

Second Step SEL builds a foundation for a positive, inclusive culture through developing social-emotional competencies, which include perspective-taking, empathy, processing emotions, understanding and resolving conflicts, and building positive relationships.

Second Step

Health & Wellness - The Great Body Shop

The Great Body Shop equips children and their families with the knowledge and skills needed to make healthy choices throughout their lives.

The Great Body Shop