About Us » Attendance


Support your child’s success in school by starting every school day on time. Students who attain a 96% or better attendance rate throughout the year are recognized each month for their commitment to learning. Based on the belief that school attendance is an important element of academic success, aim to have no more than 6 absences per year.

Morning supervision begins on the main yard at 7:40 am when the gate opens.

The teachers will meet their students at their line when the warning bell rings at 7:55 am. When the morning bell rings, help your child gain independence and responsibility by saying goodbye to your child on the playground and exiting through the main gate. This will assist the teachers in maximizing the instructional day by starting instruction promptly at 8:00 am.

Children that arrive after 8:00 am are considered late. It’s important to note that tardies and early outs affect the student’s attendance record. Three tardies of 30 minutes or more is considered an absence.

Attendance - Excused vs. UnexcusedAttendance

Asistencia - justificada vs. injustificadaAsistencia